Detail of feathers on back of Lang Syne Salmon Fly flask ©James Acord 2003.

Flasks - James Acord's Leather


Here are some examples of different styles of flasks you can have Jimmy make for you. Flasks designed with Salmon Flies on them seem to be the most popular item so far in his custom orders line. He'll do any fly you want, or fish, or nature scene, or even your company's logo. All flasks are totally hand made by Jimmy, starting with tanned leather which he makes into coverings over stainless steel flasks. And they all have captive lids, so you can't lose them in the water. Jimmy will design any images you want on your flask, so that it will be totally personalized. The gift guaranteed to get some use!!!!! As with all of Jimmy's work, no two items will be made the same, and your custom order can include hand designed and tooled initials. All flasks, as all of Jimmy's cases, are signed, dated, and numbered in order of being made, so they will increase in value as unique heirlooms.

Most of Jimmy's flask orders will run between $300 for a very simple design, such as a dry fly, to $600 for a very elaborate one. You and he will plan the order design together. Add shipping.

Collector's flasks, one of a kind:

Pheasant flask front.©James Acord 2005.Pheasant flask back.©James Acord 2005.The flask at left sold - right after Jimmy's work and story were featured on OLN's Pheasants Forever TV show on Sept 4, 2005.

It's a 6 oz flask, and you can order one similar to it for $450. - $500., plus shipping.

Jimmy made this flask in May 2005, to show during the filming of his upcoming segment on ESPN's Outdoor Life Network's show Pheasants Forever. A crew came and interviewed Jimmy in his studio and filmed him making his work. His story will also air on the Outdoor Channel's show Call of the Wild at a later time.




Lang Syne flask-front ©James Acord 2003.Lang Syne flask-back ©James Acord 2003.\Lang Syne fly on front of flask ©James Acord 2003.









Sold. Made in 2003, this 6 oz. flask has a Lang Syne Salmon Fly tooled and painted on its front, and Jungle Cock and Wood Duck feathers tooled and painted on its back. If you custom order a similar piece, you can order initials where the feathers are on this piece, or have Jimmy add initials to the design.

Order a flask similar to this one, with any fly or fish for $400. plus shipping. Call or email.


Galway flask front.©James Acord 2002.Galway flask back.©James Acord 2002.Galway flask, front detail of fly.©James Acord 2002.








Sold. The flask above, shown in all three images, has Jimmy's leather tooled and painted version of the Galway Salmon Fly, created by Paul Schmookler, world famous inventor of many Salmon Flies.

Jimmy brought in maple leaves from the back yard and drew, tooled, and painted them in his design on the flask's front with the fly. On the back are leather tooled images of golden pheasant tippetfeathers used in making the actual fly, as designed by Schmookler.

You can order a piece similar to this flask for $450. -$500., plus shipping. Think of what you'd like, or let Jimmy make suggestions. Call or email.

Sold flasks, examples of types you can order:


Bear Flask.©James Acord 2002.Jimmy created this black bear flask this summer, for a man in Florida, who wanted to present it to his friend, after their hunting trip. On the back are hand carved initials, as well as two hands, with thumbs up, as the buyer wanted to remember their enthusiastic adventure.

Everything you see on this side of the flask is hand tooled from a flat piece of leather, raised up with tiny hand carving tools, by Jimmy. The bear is even slightly padded, to make it more dimensional, beyond its tooling and painting.

A flask like this one runs $600. plus shipping, depending on intricacy. Don't forget, Jimmy will create the flask you want, and you can custom order nature images, company logos, initials or full names, inscriptions, etc. The sky is the limit!

Salmon flies, with their colorful and intricate patterns, are all the rage in the fly fishing world right now. If you want a special salmon fly, or any particular fly on your flask, just let Jimmy know.


Major Traherne Flask-front.©James Acord 2002.Major Traherne Flask-back.©James Acord 2002.This flask was sold at the Trout Bum Barbecue a few years ago in Grayling, MI, to a good friend from St. Louis.

It has a Major Traherne salmon fly, tyed by Paul Schmookler, hand carved and painted on the front, and three gray peacock pheasant feathers carved and painted on the back, along with an antique style fly tying bobbin.

Expect to pay $500. plus shipping, for a flask with this much intricacy on it. You can choose the images you want, and you can also include your initials.

If you are a fly tyer who creates your own special flies, that Jimmy couldn't find images of in books, you can send an image or the actual fly for his reference work.


Flasks ©James Acord 2000.Here are two flasks which are sold. The one on the left is much more elaborate, and one like it will cost $400-500. plus shipping, whereas the flask on the right is $350 plus shipping, with much more simple artwork on it. Both have initials carved in, on the back.




Flask. ©James Acord 2000.This flask was custom made for Steve Southard, who's the guy pictured in the left side of the boat in this painting, which Jimmy copied from the logo on Steve's business card. Steve is owner of The Fly Factory in Grayling, Michigan, and now owns three of Jimmy's flasks! Elaborate carving like this makes a flask cost $450. to $550. plus shipping, including only initials on back.






Flask. ©James Acord 2000.Another custom ordered flask, with a inset image panel. This flask was a surprise Sweetest Day present. A flask like this one will cost $450 - $500. plus shipping, due to its fine details.








Flask. ©James Acord 2000.Flask. ©James Acord 2000.Behold the round flask! These are made of stainless steel, like the others, but have a clever little stainless steel shot glass, sitting right in the middle of the back of the flask. Jimmy has designed his to have the artist's label cover this feature, and keep it easy to remove. Round flasks start at $350, and this one is $350. Add shipping.






Oakleaf and Durham Ranger flask ©James Acord 1998.Back of same flask ©James Acord 1998.






Above is a leather covered stainless steel pocket flask, sporting a hand tooled and painted Durham Ranger (a Scotch fly!) The design around the fly's leather inset is a hand tooled pattern of oak leaves, which Jimmy designed. On the back is a hand signed, numbered, and dated label. The pattern, design, dyeing, painting, and sewing are all done by Jimmy by hand. There is a captive screw-on lid on the flask, so it doesn't sink and get lost....

Flasks ordered like this one are for sale at $450. - $500., plus shipping. Less fancy flasks are $300 and up.

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    Web site design © Susan Shie 1997-2018. Site opened October 15, 1997. Made on a 2011 iMac, using Dreamweaver.

    This page last updated October 4, 2018.