Local Students art lessons in my home.
Susan Shie
at Turtle Moon Studios 2612 Armstrong Drive, Wooster, Ohio, 44691-1806.
Above: This is the drawing I made in my 11 x 14" sketchbook, of the scene below. I drew from life, not from the photo, but the photo shows you what I started with ... before the light changed over the next two work hours and the pets shifted and moved a lot. This drawing was made with black marker and colored pencil. For the assignment, students can choose what media to use in response to my assignments, which we discuss at the next class, before beginning that day's drawing from life together.
Above: This is a photo I took of my unmade bed, in prep for making a two hour study of this setting. I knew the dog and cat would move in that time, so I wanted to have the photo, but I drew from life for the session. It was an assignment I made up for a student, and I called it "Unmade Bed Drawing." I sent her the assignment, and we both worked on it during the week between our weekly sessions together here at my studio. During the classs, we studied what we had both done with the assignment, as well as working on a new class assignment.
Above: Ink drawing I made while working with my first local art students in my home, when I began this new program on Feb 17, 2014.
Above: Our home and studios at Turtle Moon Studios, in early May, 2013.
I am now teaching private and small group art lessons to local students in my home studio. These classes will be structured for teaching drawing and painting, according to the students’ and my decisions as we go. My primary focus is to teach drawing from life. I want students who see the classes as a progressive build-up of skills, as you would regard taking piano lessons over a long period of time. However, I also welcome students who take lessons when they can, rather than on a steady basis, if regular scheduling doesn't work for them.
My approach is to focus on organic, practical drawing from life and imagination, rather than teaching formulaic methods. Learning to really LOOK at what you are drawing and breaking away from assuming stereotypical imagery will be emphasized. We will work on in-class projects and have discussions of the work we’ve made. Critique will be limited to positive feedback, unless the student showing his/her work asks for help in resolving problems. I want my students to be able to love making art, with a passion for self expression and a healthy confidence in their abilitites.
For adult, high school, and junior high students, each student will need to buy a large (11 x 14") hardbound sketchbook, and most of our work will be done in that book, with assignments for in between lessons and in-class work as well. Some work on larger paper and on stretched canvases can be done, with us agreeing on those choices.
You may sign up for one or more class ahead of time by emailing or calling me. You may pay ahead or when you come to class. My teaching fee is $60 for a two hour session, and we can work out the perfect time and day of the week or month for your lessons. Please contact me for more information or to sign up to start your lessons.
My husband and I have a very happy dog (a doodle) and two gentle cats, and the studio is in the basement, so you must be able to do stairs.
I am also preparing to teach a class online, also with drawing and painting mostly from life, especially for students who wish to learn how to draw, but can't make it to my home in Wooster, Ohio I'm hoping to lanuch this online teaching project in early 2015.
Above: Susan Shie with one of her large soft paintings (art quilts), made about Monica Bongue's sustainable organic farm, near Wooster. "Muddy Fork Farm." ©Susan Shie 2013. 72"h x 72"w. Airbrush, airpen, whole cloth painting, mostly machine sewn.
Susan Shie background: Lifetime artist, born in Wooster, Ohio, in 1950. The College of Wooster, BA in Studio Art (painting) 1981, summa cum laude, honors, Phi Beta Kappa. Kent State University School of Art, MFA (Master of Fine Arts in Painting 1986, summa cum laude. Taught Drawing I and Drawing II at Kent State School of Art, to undergrads during my master’s program. Have exhibited and taught art in adult workshops around the US and abroad since 1987, with weeklong art camps held at my home studio from 1994 to present.
See more detailed biographical information, including resume, bibliography, teaching history, and artist’s statement, in my resume index page.
For more information, please contact me
Above: Here's our doodle dog, Libby Spooler, wishing she could go roaming into the garden, where the bunnies live!
Above: Japanese Irises bloom in our backyard at Turtle Moon.
Above: Our cats love having students here. Ome on the left and Otis are sister and brother and are very gentle.
Susan Shie Turtle Moon Studios, Wooster, Ohio
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Web site created by Susan Shie and Jan Cabral ©1997. All subsequent website work done by Susan Shie ©1997 - 2014.
This page updated by Susan Shie, December 8, 2014.
Web Site Programming by Key to the Web, Ltd. ©2014.