Index to GREEN QUILTS News Updates Pages. Note: These came after eight years of mailed on-paper newsletters::
- May, 2004
- June, 2001
- March, 2001
- June, 1999
- November, 1998
- August, 1998
- May, 1998
- April, 1998
- March, 1998
- October, 1997
GREEN QUILTS PROJECT Officially Ends May, 2004. After over fifteen years of managing the GREEN QUILTS Project, we've decided to end it, because it's time, though this is sad news to all of us. There was wonderful response to my idea for this project, beginning in 1989, and everyone who participated has my deep gratitude.. The project had a bell curve peak probably in 1994-6 and has slowed down continually since then. We realize that there will always be the need to send healing and balancing energy to the Earth and to all the living forces it supports, but our personal efforts with this organized project need to end now. If someone else wants to start another project with like characteristics, we only ask that you give your project a different name, so that historically the activities of the GREEN QUILTS Project will be associated with what we have done, along with our contributors and their work.Meanwhile, please continue to make art quilts with messages of hope and healing for the Earth, which you use to help raise the awareness of everyone about the need for healing. Keep addressing the many issues of the environmental balance and safety, if you are so inclined.
(NOTE: As of May, 2004, we have officially ended our silkscreened GREEN QUILTS label service. Robin regrets that she has been unable to find time and energy to make the labels for some time now. If you have sent Robin money to order labels, you should contact her and ask her to please return your order money, telling her how many labels you ordered and when. Be sure to provide her with your address. Thank you.)
Many thanks to everyone who contributed by making and showing quilts with healing messages and who took the time to send us their slides and news of the quilts' activities throughout the 15 years of the project. Thanks to the people who held GREEN QUILTS exhibits over the years. Thanks to Hilary Fletcher, who allowed us to present our GREEN QUILTS Award from 1995 through 2003 at her home, during the Quilt National opening weekends in Athens, Ohio. Special thanks to Robin and Michele, for their longterm dedication to this effort.
Below is the origianl GREEN QUILTS Statement of Purpose, which I am leaving intact, so that people can see what the project included. We have the two slide registries, in Wooster, Ohio and Brooklyn, NY, and we will maintain them until we can find a scholarly home for them as a historical archive with a suitable institution. As you read the statement below, remember that this Project is now ended, so the activities mentioned are no longer being done.
Statement of Purpose:
Above: "Three Goddesses." ©1997 Susan Shie and James Acord. 11.5"h x 23"w. Collection of Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart.
By Susan Shie.
The GREEN QUILTS Project began in March, 1989, when I got a message in a meditation, of a plan to help bring healing energy into the world, for environmental healing. Not wanting to have to devote all my work time to a project, I was amazed that the idea given to me, by what I call my Higher Self, was so simple, and required little management. Here is the basic plan, unaltered over time:
This is a message in a bottle project. That is, it's a slow growing, word of mouth thing. Its purpose is to create healing energy for the Earth and all life forms (including people!) Any spiritual concept you personally employ to help generate healing is right for your GREEN QUILT. You can see the healing method as prayer, meditation, affirmation, etc.. That's all up to you. The quilts can be made in any style, colors, sizes. You don't give the quilts to us. You show the work wherever and whenever you want. You may keep, give away, or sell your quilts. All we ask for is slides or photographs of the quilts, for our archives, and any information about the quilts you care to give us for the archives.
We keep two registries: one at my studio in Wooster, Ohio, and one in Robin Schwalb's studio in Brooklyn, New York. So you need to send the same information to both registries. You are the sole judge as to whether your work is a GREEN QUILT, though it does need to have a label on the back, identifying it as a GREEN QUILT. You are welcomed to create your own homemade labels, or you can order them from Robin. They are hand silk screened and cost $1.00 for two labels. The only benefit of using these labels over handmade ones, is that they have a uniform look and a little logo in green ink on white cotton.
Above: This is what Robin's handmade silkscreened labels look like. The word for "Earth" is written around the circle in many languages. To order them, send $1.00 US for two labels, along with a SASE, to Robin Schwalb, address below. Allow lots of time for them to come, as she often has to wait for free time to print up a new batch of labels. Please don't send orders to me or Michele. Robin is the Label Lady!! (NOTE: As of May, 2004, we have officially ended this service. Robin regrets that she has been unable to find time and energy to make the labels for some time now. If you have sent Robin money to order labels, you should contact her and ask her to please return your order money, telling her how many labels you ordered and when. Be sure to provide her with your address. Thank you.)
There are shows which are GREEN QUILT theme shows every once in a while, so this is one good reason to send us your slides. Curators need to see slides, in order to know who they want to invite to show. However, it's good for you to show your GREEN QUILTS on your own, in solo or group shows, regardless of theme. Don't wait for the far too rare GQ theme show!! And it's important for us to have the slides, from a historical standpoint. With no slide deadline, many of us seldom or never send slides to the registries. This keeps the unregistered work out of the project's recorded history and out of consideration for the occasional GREEN QUILT theme show. So it's great to send the info to us! We have stopped putting out the mailed GQ newsletter. Last one was Fall, 1996. We just couldn't afford it anymore. All donation money was used to print and mail the newsletters, and the web site now replaces the mailed newsletters. At least we now have colored images!
Our volunteer staff:
Susan Shie
Registry archivist in Ohio, web site editor and maker, and project founder.
2612 Armstrong Dr, Wooster, Ohio, 44691-1806. (330) 345-5778. email:
Robin Schwalb
Registry archivist in NY, silkscreened labels artist.
75 Livingston St. #11-B, Brooklyn, NY, 11201-5051. (718) 797-0129. FAX same as Phone #. email:
Michele Merges Martens
Newsletter desktop publisher, during the time when the project had a paper newsletter, which we mailed, before 1997 when it became a website update newsletter.
48 Bridgewood Lane, Watervliet, NY, 12189. (518) 782-0646. email:
Index to GREEN QUILTS News Updates Pages:
- May, 2004
- June, 2001
- March, 2001
- June, 1999
- November, 1998
- August, 1998
- May, 1998
- April, 1998
- March, 1998
- October, 1997
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Web site origianlly created by Susan Shie and Jan Cabral ©1997. Subsequent web site work © Susan Shie 1997-2012.This page updated by Susan Shie, July 20, 2012.
Web site hosting by Key to the Web, Ltd. ©2012.