Turtle Trax Diary. Sept 28, 1997. Page #2

by Lucky Shie

SEPTEMBER 28, 1997

I'm really excited, because we're openning this web site today, and it's my 47th birthday. What an amazing birthday present! Jan has worked so hard and steadfastly with me, and here I am, actually creating this page in an HTML page, putting in all the new words and tags where the stuff for the first diary page was. She kept telling me it's easy, but it took me a long time to feel that way! And now I do!!! It's like a secret code thing! Kinda sneaky!! I have had many dreams in the past two months, in which I try to figure this all out. So hopefully now I can concentrate on my usual dreams, where I explore rooms in houses that no one else knew were there. Or where I get great pictures for art to make! It'd be all right to not go back to the dreams about school: showing up naked, not being able to get my locker open, not being prepared for a big final, never having gone to the class, etc. Or teeth dreams, where my teeth are loose and start crumbling and falling out! YIKES!!!

But who needs to think about bad dreams on her birthday?? Let me tell you about the party we went to last night, for my friend Margie Hawkins, who has a birthday today, too! It was a surprise party at her house and most of her kids and some of their friends were there, and then there were us old women types and our squeezes! Margie, Mady, Kathy, Susan, and I are all members of a currently defunct women's meditation and support group called OASIS. We made a commitment to try again to get the group going again, Oct. 7. I hope this works out! We used to meet once a week and do group affirmation meditations together. Wow! The healing energy we generated! And Susan reminded us that we haven't had her menopause ceremnoy yet, so now we feel really guilty and must make up for that!

Playing Bite the Bag

The best part of the party was playing "Bite the Bag," in which you have to pick up a paper grocery bag with your teeth, and you can't touch the floor with anything but your feet as you bend over. After every round, the bag gets two more inches cut off its top! So most of the women played, and we older women did pretty well. I bowed out in the second to last round, when the bag was about 2" tall, but Margie won, alomg with two young women, when the bag was only a piece of its bottom lying on the floor! Hurray for good exercise and cheap thrills! Note: No men participated, either because they thought it was childish, I think, or, more likely, because they were afraid they'd have Plumber's Crack! Jimmy said he coulda done it easily! What a Maroon!! (But he's my darling, who gave me a rose and a new pair of driving mocs, my favorite shoes, and the only kind I like to wear! So make that: What a Doll!!!)

The birthday madness simmers down now, as I work to get ready to open the site, with Jan pulling the switch! The exact time will be important to know, like a baby's birth. Then I can create the site's birth chart, something aging hippy astrologers just have to do! We're going to my birthday sister Jane's house this afternoon, to eat a shrimp supper at her sister Nancy's house and walk in Mohican State Park. Jimmy's taking his new waders and going fly fishing while Jane and I hang out and she tells me all about going to the Rolling Stones' concert last night! Her goat Nana died last week, at 14, so we'll have a little memorial for her. I hope Jimmy lets me take along Hattie, our black lab. She loves the woods! I'm giving Jane some Fiesta Ware, out of my secret stash from the factory, for her present.

IOur daughter Gretchen called just now from Cincinnati, to say happy birthday, and her beau Mike, too. They're stopping here next weekend, on the way to a friend's wedding. They were home earlier this month, and Mike took the picture below, of Gretchen and me in the garden, in front of the Zinnias. How I adore having them home!! OK, that's it for today! Gotta go make drawings to scan for this, and get a move on this auspicious day! The sun is out, The sky is blue; It's beautiful, And so are you--Dear Gretchen! Won't you come out to play!!!

Gretchen and me in the garden

This is Gretchen and me in the Rainbow Garden. Mike took the picture, and we are standing in the Zinnias.








Turtle Moon Studios
Susan Shie and James Acord

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Copyright 1997 Susan Shie and Jan Cabral

Web site origianlly created by Susan Shie and Jan Cabral ©1997. Subsequent web site work © Susan Shie 1997 - 2005.

This page updated by Susan Shie, February 6, 2005.

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