Zodiac Paintings Gallery page 3 - Susan Shie
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Here are the last six of the 12 zodiac paintings in the exhibit at Jewel Heart Dec 14, 2001 - Jan 30, 2002. Each one is 24"h x 18"w.Note: Cosmic Moms Greeting Cards and Calendar: Amber Lotus has made 12 greeting cards from this series, as well as a 2005 calendar. Look for them as my Cosmic Moms cards and calendar. If you want to buy a very nice package of one each of all 12 cards, since they are the Zodiac, visit Web of Thread. Their package also includes a little page I've made up special. They hope to have the calendars soon, too! St Theresa's Textile Trove is also selling the cards and calendar!
All 12 paintings are together in a private collection.
They are all 24"h x 18"w, on stretched canvas, with a written commentary around the thin sides of the canvas, where the staples hold the canvas to the stretchers. The paint is acrylics, with paint markers for the lines. I painted them in super fast time, with the drive of my emotional intensity, of just having lost my mother, pushing me to do nothing at all but make these pieces!
St. Quilta the Comforter is a character I created in 1997, based on my mother, so it's only fitting that she took on my mother's face and her belongings, when I made these paintings to describe the signs of the zodiac, soon after my mother passed away.
A companion book is available on this site, with a hand written story of Mom's life that correlates with the paintings, reproduced in black and white photo images in the book. Also, my diary online for Nov 21, 01, written soon after Mom's death, gives her life story in family pictures.
All paintings are in a private collection now.
On the side edges of the Libra painting, which I made Nov 23 - 24 and Dec 7, 2001, I wrote:
"There's a family photo of me turning two and sitting on the lawn, in a pretty dress my mother had made for me, with my face down close to a butterfly-shaped birthday cake that Mom had also made. The cake is sitting on the grass, too, between my outstretched arms, and I'm leaning over the cake, drawn into the beauty of the Amazing Butterfly Cake! Mom had Venus conjunct Jupiter in Taurus, and Libra on the fifth house cusp. Always making beauty and comfort for those she loved!"
Libra is the romantic air sign. Libras adore art, music, harmony, and genteel things. With Venus ruling the sign, Libras are always in love or thinking about it. Libra rules the seventh house, and Libras are almost always found in couples, especially in marriage. They make art out of whatever surrounds them, as beauty is necessary to their happiness. They try to agree or harmonize with others, especially if someone else has a strong opinion. They want peace at all costs, and luckily are easily made happy. They want everyone to feel good, and will do what it takes to bring about calm. Singing, sewing, or painting, Libra enjoys life.
On the side edges of the Scorpio painting, which I made Nov 25, 2001, I wrote:
"Mom had a very persistent and ongoing war with mice and moles. She'd pick up the stiff, dead mice by the tail and pitch them into her garbage pile and recycle her mousetraps (reuse them.) I watched her once as she studied the progress of a mole, as it made the ground rise up into a tunnel. As the underground mole approached, Mom lifted her shovel and brought it straight down into the dirt. And we never knew..."
(Mom was raised on a farm, so her intense Scorpio natural approach to death came to her from childhood.)
Scorpio is pretty intense, as the fixed water sign. Scorpios are very quiet about their strong feelings, but work hard and long to get what they want, focusing like a laser to ferret out secrets, solutions, answers to mysteries. They like a good challenge. Scorpio rules the eighth house: other people's money and the whole life cycle fascinate them. The stock market, childbirth methods, murder mysteries, King Tut's tomb - oh, they get thrilled! Pluto rules Scorpio, and this is where both blockages and transformations take place. With their great obsessions, Scorpios usually drive through the blocks and come out new, improved. They never give up!
On the side edges of the Sagittarius painting, which I made Nov 27 - 28, 2001, I wrote:
"Mom's Moon was in early Sag, I think on Jimmy Acord's Sun, say 5º Sag. For a Mennonite farm girl, she traveled a lot - lived in Los Angeles, Texas, Oklahoma, and back home to Ohio. Once she visited Aunt Louise (her sister) in Houston with "the boys," (my brothers.) While there, Louise and Charlie took them to Galveston, and Mom and Louise went to see "Psycho." That's not Mom's style, but Louise was a Sag - and they all like really scary movies! I know Gretchen does!"
Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign, full of fun and curiosity! Sagies are interested in many things and can't hold their focus on just one issue or skill. Ruling the ninth house, Sag loves travel to foreign lands, or owning exotic stuff. They are interested in studying religions and law, and college work is important to many of them. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, so parties and a good sense of humor abound with these friendly souls. Horses and outdoor sports thrill them, as do travel plans and learning foreign languages. They love to take risks and get a bit reckless, but Sag is kind and loves justice. They own many suitcases and good walking shoes.
On the side edges of the Capricorn painting, which I made Nov 31, 2001, I wrote:
"I've always equated Capricorn's determination with a big Sherman army tank, trudging through anything in its path. Dad would drive Mom and us nuts with this tank joke: 'What do you call those big metal vehicles that have big guns on top and big treads over the wheels?' We'd finally give in and say, 'TANKS!' Then Daddy would gleefully answer, 'You're welcome!' Dad's mom was a classic Capricorn: squared off and making solid foods like stuffed cabbage rolls and other heavy foods!"
Capricorn is the strongest earth sign, totally set in its ways. Capricorns make very good bosses and family patriarchs, because they have such determination to meet their goals and to structure life in every way. Saturn rules this sign, so a heavy outlook abounds, balancing a fine sense of obligation and carry through. The tenth house is Capricorn's place, where career and our highest goals can be found. When one goal is reached, a new one is found to aim at, and so it goes! Expect Capricorns to bow out of playful distractions, if work and duty call. They overwork and are kinda dry, but this bunch run tight ships, and you can really count on them to do what they say! And you'd better obey them, by the way!
On the side edges of the Aquarius painting, which I made Dec 1 - 4, 2001, I wrote:
"Mom was Aquarian in her progressive thinking about life and her ability to accept people with their quirks. If my made up birth chart for her is right, with its 0º Cancer ascendant, she has that pack of four planets in Taurus in her 11th house - Mars, Sun, Jupiter, and Venus. So her physical energy, soul, expansiveness, and love all had Aquarian tones to them. After all, she tolerated Dad, who was the most excentric person in our lives. How she stuck by him, in spite of him!"
Aquarius is gone! I mean, it's the most airy of the air signs, and when you think they're THERE, Aquarians seem to evaporate like little clouds. Off on ideals, causes, trips to social protests or Star Trek conventions. Some Aquarians get sucked into astrology...hmmm... and New Age stuff in general. Most are computer savvy to no end! Ruled by Uranus, they adore unusual things and new ideas. Their lives are full of surprises and unexpected turns. The eleventh house is their home, and they have scads of friends, groups, and political issues to keep them busy and gone from home. Yes, they're not much for sitting around the house, unless you've got a great new computer or an extensive library of Sci Fi! Humanitarians to the end, Aquarians need lots of understanding for being away on their missions. And they need laptops.
On the side edges of the Pisces painting, which I made Dec 1 - 4, 2001, I wrote:
"Mom's Mercury in the 12th House shows her quiet, introspective style, her compassion, and how she could stay home while we were growing up, and not resent the solitude. She would always help when needed, and she really cared about our feelings. She was the best swimmer of us all, but didn't want to be seen in her bathing suit. She had few friends coming by the house, but wrote and called and saw people at Church, which was very important to her. And she made us all go!"
Pisces is the fluid water sign, swimming through life like a fish. Pisceans are very poetic and musical, dreamlike and retiring. Neptune rules this sign, and the ocean is where it's at for Pisces. The twelvth house of the unconscious, night, and hidden things is where Pisces is found on the zodiacal wheel. Seclusion and martyrdom often attract these very intuitive people, while everything about the religion Christianity is also what Pisces is about: sacrifice, poetry, devotion, mystery, and compassion. The sign of the fish! Pisceans are easily hurt, as they are very timid and feel misunderstood by bolder types. They want to help people who suffer and will work hard to bring sensitivity back into the world. They need lots of time alone to experience their feelings and dreams. Kindness is their forte and music heals them.
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