2003 Works Gallery - Susan Shie
ST. Q'S KITCHEN SHOES31"h x 21.75"w.
Finished 4-14-03. Mixed media art quilt.
Price formula is on main gallery page.
Materials: Cotton muslin fabric, airbrush paint, embroidery floss and perle cotton, metallic threads, glass beads, shisha mirrors and holes.
Processes: Whole cloth painted quilt. Drawn and painted with airbrush. Hand quilted, embroidered, and beaded, in the Lucky School of Quilting methods. All writing is hand embroidered. No machine work.
I have a pair of beautiful leather pumps with several colors of leather appliqués on them, making flowers and leaves, and then there're these cute little red heels, below the blue pump bodies. Very sweet. They don't even fit, but I bought then at Goodwill once, just for the art they really are.
My local artists' support group, WAGE chose Shoes as our theme for our 2003 show, and I decided I needed to put those shoes into a quilt, so I stuck them on St. Quilta's feet, and I made her flipping pancakes in the kitchen. Only it's really Jimmy who flips pancakes with a huge iron skillet. I don't know how he even does it, the thing is so heavy!
When I got done airbrushing the composition, I decided this St. Q is really Jimmy in drag, because she's so muscular and is flipping those flapjacks in the iron skillet so easily! I'm just watching in sheer admiration!
I saved almost all the diary writing for while I was quilting the piece, so that I would add new adventure stoires as I worked, dating the entries. I can't remember much about what I wrote now, except that one thing was my big plan to surprise our daughter Gretchen at her job at The Cleveland Museum of Art, on her birthday. And then the weather was bad and we didn't go. Luckily, I'd sent her a package and card! And I also wrote the next entry, saying we didn't go! I think most of the stories are about the terrible snowy weather of that Winter! Yikes! But the kitchen was always warm!
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