2006 Gallery - Outsider Paintings
by Susan Shie
Visit my 2005 Gallery, for similar work I made last year.
Visit my 2006 Gallery, for art quilts I've made this year.
Prices for Artwork and Framing suggestions
New! Kitchen Blessing Paintings: I used lots of positive thoughts and images in making these paintings in October, 2006. They're painted with acrylic paints and ink on canvas boards, except for #27, which is painted on stretched canvas. I put in affirmations about family, peace, and friendship. The paintings are very similar, having the same colors and forms, but I made them each freehand, working on 27 paintings at once, all of them lying on my work table together. So there's a lot of variation in the images, writing, etc, and you'll see how different they are, when you look at the larger images.
I'm showing all the 9 z 12" pieces, but only a few of the 18 smallest ones, which are on 5 x 7" boards. The 9 x 12" ones (#s 1 - 8) are $216, plus $6 shipping in the US. The 5 x 7" paintings are $100, plus $6 shipping. #27, the 16 x 20" stretched canvas painting, is $640, plus $20 shipping. I'll put up more of the tiny paintings, when these sell, or you can email me, and I can send you some more images. Enjoy!
Click on the small images to see very large versions of the paintings.
Above: Kitchen Blessings 1, 2, 3, 4 (sold). These are each 12"h x 9"w, on canvas board.
Above: Kitchen Blessings 5, 6, 7, 8. These are each 12"h x 9"w, on canvas board.
Above: Kitchen Blessings 9, 10 (sold), 11, 12. These are each 7"h x 5"w, on canvas board. There are 14 more paintings this size, which I will put up when these are sold. You can email me, if you want to see more images, which I can email to you.
Above is #27. It's 20"h x 16"w, on stretched canvas. There is only this one painting in this series made this size and on stretchers.
Equinox Paintings: Theseare all made with fabric paint on unstretched Kona cotton fabric You can frame them, quilt them, or have me quilt them . I began these last year on the Autumnal Equinox, September 23, 2005 and finished them on the Vernal Equinox, March 20, 2006.
Each piece shares my affirmations for love and peace to come from each of our own centers, our hearts, to bring the world back into Balance. The Equinoxes are all about Balance, and it was actually total coincidence that the pieces began and ended on them. I love coincidences! They seem to make things seem like they were meant to be, without us planning them.
As usual, St Quilta the Comforter is the big mama here, and everyone has both Third Eyes and Chin Eyes (the eyes I started making a few years ago, to symbolize speaking our intuitive thoughts to each other, to communicate in a very active, natural way.) Eyes are images of our souls, I think.
Above from left: Equinox #1; Equinox #2; Equinox #3 (donated); Equinox #4 (sold).
From Left:
Equinox #6 sold
Equinox #7 sold
At left: Equinox #8
Prices for Artwork and Framing suggestions
Turtle Moon Studios: Outsider Art Quilts and Paintings
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