Paintings and Small Quilts
by Susan Shie
Here are some older examples of works for sale. I've put in five works, but there are many more, especially the larger, more expensive pieces. Those can be viewed on my Gallery page, and you are welcomed to inquire about their prices.
I really need for you to call or email regarding any order. Thanks!
"Teapot Heads"
Group of 16 individual paintings on fabric. ©1997. 13"h x 8"w, on average. Buy one as a painting you can frame or sew into your own work, or have me quilt and embellish it. To select yours, count left to right, top to bottom.
#'s 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 are sold.
#'s 9 and 13 are already begun to be quilted, and as is, would sell for somewhere between the prices for paintings and embellished quilts.
See price formula at the top of the page.
See more of my paintings.
Embellished quiltlet. Has my ceramic leaves. ©1996. 5.5"h x 5.5"w.
This piece is sold.
"Rainforest Goddess"Painted quiltlet, machine and hand sewn. ©1997. 11"h x 9"w.
This piece is sold.
"Tomato Goddess"
Painting on wood, with diary on entire back, over a bright painting of a tomato. ©1996. 24" x 24".
This piece is sold. Similar paintings' retail $4,000.00 each. The paintings on wood don't follow the formula of the paintings on fabric. They have flat prices.
"Moon Pie"
Quilted and very hand worked and embellished. ©1997. 47.5"h x 32"w.
See price formula at the top of the page.
Turtle Moon Studios
Susan Shie and James Acord
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Web site created by Susan Shie and Jan Cabral ©1997. All subsequent web site work ©Susan Shie 1997-2008.This page last updated by Susan Shie, March 20, 2008.
Web site hosting by Key to the Web, Ltd. ©2008.