Class Teaching History
Susan Shie and James Acord
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Above: Susan Shie airbrushes her large 2012 piece "Trayvon Martin: 8 of Wooden Spoons in the Kitchen Tarot." After this stage of painting in the colors with airbrush, she switches to airpen to do the tiny writing of stories all over the piece, with the fabric lying on a table.
Class Teaching History - Susan Shie and James Acord
Note: Jimmy taught most classes with me from 1992 - 2003 (teaching airbrush), and before and after those years, I've taught by myself. He continued teaching airbrush at Turtle Art Camps at our home studios for several more years, maybe up through 2010, and I taught it, when he stopped teaching with me altogether. In 2017 I am shifting my Turtle Art Camp teaching to almost all drawing on paper. We'll see how that goes!
Turtle Art Camps at my home studio in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Lucky Drawing Online Classes. 4-week sessions that are designed to be continued by the students. I began teaching these in January, 2015.
Private art classes in my home.
Art Quit Tahoe 2018, November, 2018.
Turtle Art Camps at my home studio in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Lucky Drawing Online Classes. 4-week sessions that are designed to be continued by the students. I began teaching these in January, 2015.
Private art classes in my home.
Erie Art Museum. Class for local teachers and public lecture (lecture in the evening), during the museum's showing of "Earth Stories," a SAQA touring exhibition, which I have my piece "Muddy Fork Farm" in. Class and lecture March 16, 2017.
QSDS 2017. Teaching my Lucky Drawing classes in person. Session 1 May 29 - June 2, and Session 2 June 3 - 4, 2017.
Texas Quilt Museum. Public lecture during my Solo Exhibition "The Way I See It: the Narrative Art of Susan Shie." (Oct 5 - Dec 22, 2017). Lecture Saturday, Oct 14, 2017.
Turtle Art Camps at my home studio in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Lucky Drawing Online Classes. 4-week sessions that are designed to be continued by the students. I began teaching these in January, 2015.
Focus on Fiber Florida Style 2016. Atlantic Center for the Arts. New Smyrna Beach, FL. I taught a three day class and took part in the weeklong retreat. The whole Focus on Fiber retreat was April 11 - 23, 2016. My class, within the retreat, was April 16-18, 2016.
FASA: Fiber Artists of San Antonio. Lecture and two day class. May 9 to 11, 2016.
2015 :
Turtle Art Camps at my home studio in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Lucky Drawing Online Classes, with my very first ever online class being "Lucky Drawing 101," Jan 20 - Feb 17, 2015. Classes are 4 week sessions, with 2 week breaks in between sessions. Taught in a Facebook private group classroom.
STITCH Exhibirtion Lecture. Claypool-Young Gallery. Morehead State University. Morehead, KY. I juried this regional fiber exhibition and worked with a university class and gave a public lecture. August 26, 2015.
Maiwa Workshops. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 4 day class, October 1-4, 2015, following my public lecture there Sept 30.
2014 :
Turtle Art Camps at my home studio in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Beach Cities Quilters Guild. Mission Viejo, CA. Jan 9-11, 2014.
Focus on Fiber 2014. Atlantic Center for the Arts. New Smyrna Beach, FL. My 3 day class: March 12-14, followed by the Mar 13-22 artists’ retreat there. This was my first time to teach there.
UK Festival of Quilts 2014. Birmingham, England. 3 day Academy class, in conjunction with my large solo exhibition. NEC (National Exposition Centre), My class August 5-7. My large solo exhibition Aug 7-10, 2014. Also my public lecture there, Aug 10.
Turtle Art Camps at my home studio in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Cancelled: QSDS. Columbus, Ohio. Both weekend sessions: June 1-2, June 8-9,
Maiwa Workshops. Vancouver, BC, Canada. October 15-18, 4 day class.
Turtle Art Camps at my home studio in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Cancelled: St Louis Artists' Guild.. was to be in conjunction with an exhibition at their space, a small solo show of my work, part of a symposium called "Sound and Vision." The class was to be Feb 17-19, 2012. The exhibition did take place though.
Cancelled: Hudson River Valley Art Workshops. Greenville, NY. April 22 - 28.
Turtle Art Camps at my home studio in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
INTERQUILT 2012 – GIRONA, on the Costa Brava. Spain. Girona, Spain. Trip July 3 – 13, 2012. Classes only taught at 3 day symposium, 2 classes, one day each. I also had a solo show of 10 very large and current pieces there.
Art Quilt Tahoe. Zephyr Point Conference Center. Zephyr Cove, NV (southeastern shore of Lake Tahoe.) Nov 4 - 9, 2012.
Turtle Art Camps at my home studio in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Spring International Quilt Festival. (Moved to Cinci from Chicago.) Quilts, Inc. Duke Energy Convention Center. Cincinnati, OH. April 7 - 10, 2011 (3 day class April 7-9, along with a large solo show of 28 pieces of my major, large works at Festival and a Friday noon time lecture.) Read their interview with me on their Winter, 2011 e-zine Friends@Festival.
Maiwa Workshops Symposium. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 5 day class. Sept 19 - 23, 2011. First time to teach there.
North Coast Needlers Quilt Guild. Cleveland, OH. Workshop and lecture. Oct 11 and 12, 2011.
Quilt National lecture for Safe Connections, QN host in St Louis, at The Foundry Art Centre in St Charles. In conjunction with the traveling QN exhibition in its entirety and the first ever partial exhibition of the Cookbook Print Quilt Project (1999-2008), a collaboration between Island Press of Washington University, St Louis, and me. October 20, 2011.
Turtle Art Camps at my home studio in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
UK Festival of Quilts. Birmingham, England. Master Class Aug 17 -19, 2010. My lectures Aug 20 and 21, 2010. These classes were in connection with my solo exhibition there, with 25 pieces of my work. This was my first time to teach there.
Valley Ridge Art Studio. Muscoda, Wisconsin. October 26 - 28, 2010. This is a class in life drawing, drawing realistically. Taught more formally than my usual classes, but not AS formally as a lot of drawing classes.
Art Quilt Tahoe. Zephyr Point, Lake Tahoe, NV. Nov 7 - 13, 2010. (AQT had moved to its new sight at Zephyr Point, the Presbyterian Conference Center in 2009.)
Turtle Art Camps at our home / studios, since 1994.
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. Gatlinburg, TN. October 4 - 10.
Front Range Contemporary Quilters Guild. Longmont, Colorado. Sept 21 - 27.
Valley Ridge Art Studio. Muscoda, Wisconsin. August 12 - 16.
Peters Valley Craft Center. Layton, NJ. July 24 - 28.
Shakerag Workshops. St. Andrews-Sewanee. Sewanee, TN.June 27 - July 4.
Canmore Quilters Guild. Canmore, Alberta, CA. April 21 - 24,
Edmonton District Quilters Guild. University of Edmonton. Edmonton, Alberta, CA. April 15 - 19.
Fabrications Quilt Artists. Spokane, WA. April 9 - 10.
Turtle Art Camps at our home / studios, since 1994.
Arrowmont. Gatlinburg, TN. April 6 - 12.
QSDS. Columbus, OH. June 21 and 22.
East Bay Heritage Quilters. Berkeley, CA. Aug 23 and 25.
Omaha Quilters Guild. Omaha, NE. Sept 6 - 10.
Art Quilt Tahoe. Squaw Valley, CA. Nov 9 - 14.
Turtle Art Camps at our home / studios.
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. Gatlinburg, TN. April.
QSDS. Columbus, OH. June.
Art Quilt Tahoe. Squaw Valley, CA. Nov.
Susan resumed limited teaching, after sabbatical for being my granddaughter Eva's nanny.
QSDS. Columbus, OH. June.
Art Quilt Tahoe. Squaw Valley, CA. Nov.
Teaching sabbatical, because I was my granddaughter Eva Miller's full time nanny through April, 2006.
(Almost always only Susan teaching out now, but Jimmy still teaches airbrush here at Turtle Art Camp.)
Turtle Art Camps at our home studios in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Art Quilt Tahoe. Squaw Valley, CA, Nov.
Midwest Qult Retreat Center. Frederick-Talbott Inn, Indianapolis, IN, Oct.
Friends Fabric Art. Lowell, MA, Sept.
Textile Arts Alliance. Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH, August.
Quilts for Change Symposium, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH, August.
Q/SDS. University Plaza Hotel, Columbus, Ohio, June.
Friends Fabric Art. Lowell, MA, April.
Quilters Connection. Lecture, Arlington, MA, April.
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. Gatlinburg, TN, April.
Art Quilt Group. Baton Rouge, LA, Feb.
Claypool-YoungArt Gallery. Morehead State University, Morehead, KY, Feb.
Turtle Art Camps at our home studios in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Coastal Quilters. Santa Barbara, CA, Nov.
Ohio Wesleyan Art Gallery. Delaware, OH. Sept.
Studio Art Quilt Associates Conference. lecture, University Inn, Athens, OH, March.
Carole Segal Studio of Fine Art. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May.
Author's Club. lecture, Zanesville, OH, May.
Friends Fiber Art. Lowell, MA, April.
Artsweek. Garaway Schools, Sugarcreek, OH,April.
Heart of Ohio Quilt Guild. lecture, Granville Inn, Granville, OH, March.
Turtle Art Camps at our home studios in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Mansfield Art Center. Mansfield, OH, July.
Q/SDS. University Plaza Hotel, Columbus, OH, June.
FAVA. panel discussion, Oberlin, OH, June.
New England Quilt Museum. lecture, Lowell, MA, April.
Jewel Heart Center for Buddhism and Tibetan Culture. Cleveland, OH, Jan.
Turtle Art Camps at our home studios in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
CraftSummer at Miami University/ Oxford, OH, July.
Turtle Art Camp for Frances Holliday Alford and friends. Austin, TX, April.
Artsweek at Garaway Schools. Sugarcreek, OH, April.
Tussing Elementary School. Artist Residency, via Ohio Arts Council Artists in Education Program. Pickerington, OH, Jan and Feb.
Turtle Art Camps at our home studios in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Riffe Gallery of Ohio Arts Council. Columbus, OH, Dec.
The Art Continuum. Cleveland, OH, Oct.
North Coast Needlers Quilt Guild. Westlake, OH, Oct.
North Suburban Needle Arts Guild. Northbrook, IL. (Chicago) Sept.
CraftSummer. Miami University, Oxford, OH, July.
Quilt / Surface Design Symposium. Ohio University, Athens, OH, June.
Firelands Association of Visual Arts. Oberlin, OH, June.
Aullwood Audubon Center. Dayton, OH, May.
"Beyond the Surface." Leslie Gelber's symposium at Granlibakken. Lake Tahoe, CA, April.
Artsweek, Garaway Schools. Sugarcreek, OH, April.
Rutherford B. Hayes High School. Artist Residency, via Ohio Arts Council. Artists in Education Program. Delaware, OH, March – April.
Turtle Art Camps at our home studios in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Artists Residency, Passionworks, ATCO Sheltered Workshop, Athens, OH, Nov.
Collaborative Print Workshop, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, Artist Residency, Oct.
Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum, Roscoe Village, Coshocton, OH, Oct.
CraftSummer, Miami University, Oxford, OH, July.
Mansfield Art Center, Mansfield, OH, June.
Artsweek, Garaway Schools, Sugarcreek, OH, April.
Mayerson Academy, Cincinnati, OH, March.
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN, March.
St. Peter's Elementary School, Mansfield, OH, Three week Artist Residency, via Ohio Arts Council Artist in Education Program, Feb.
Independent Master of Arts Program, Antioch University, Yellow Springs, OH.
"Beyond the Surface," Leslie Gelber's Fiber Retreat, Sacramento, CA, Jan.
Turtle Art Camps at our home studios in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Peters Valley Craft Center. Layton, NJ. Aug.
"CraftSummer." Miami University. Oxford, OH. July.
Independent Master of Arts Program. Antioch University, Yellow Springs, OH.
Cincinnati Art Museum. Cincinnati, OH. May.
Textile Arts Alliance. Cleveland Art Museum. Cleveland, OH. April - May.
Akron Art Museum. Akron, OH. March.
Mansfield Art Center. Mansfield, OH. March.
Artists Residency. University of Wisconsin, La Crosse. Jan.
Turtle Art Camps at our home studios in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Artists in Residence. Alfred University. Alfred, NY.
"CraftSummer." Miami University. Oxford, OH. First of many years teaching there.
Independent Master of Fine Arts Program. Professor for low-residence students. Antioch University. Yellow Springs, OH.
"Artsweek." Garaway Schools. Sugarcreek, OH.
Eco Design Arts Conference. University of Oregon, Eugene, OR.
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. Gatlinburg, TN.
Turtle Art Camps at our home studios in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year.
Buckeye Art Therapy Association, Columbus, OH.
Peters Valley Craft Center, Layton, NJ.
Mentoring, Enrichment Program. Wayne County Schools. Wooster, OH.
"Artsweek." Garaway Schools. Sugarcreek, OH. First of mnay years teaching there.
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. Gatlinburg, TN.
Professional Art Quilters' Alliance. Chicago, IL.
Charlotte Quilters Guild. Charlotte, NC.
Turtle Art Camps atour home studios in Wooster Ohio, throughout the year. First year that they were week-long, live-in sessions, which they have remained, though present.
Steubenville Art Association. Steubenville, OH.
River Oaks Square Art Center. Alexandria, LA.
Davenport Museum of Art. Davenport, IA.
East Bay Heritage Quilters. Berkeley, CA.
Miami Valley Quilters Guild. Cincinnati, OH.
Peters Valley Craft Center. Layton, NJ. First of many years teaching there.
Penland School of Art. Penland, NC.
Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. Gatlinburg, TN. First of many years teaching there.
Worcester Center for Crafts. Worcester, MA.
Akron Art Museum. Akron, OH.
Vermont College, Norwich University. Montpelier, VT.
Turtle Moon Studios, one day Turtle Art Camps monthly, year round, at our home. This year they were only one long day each, not a whole week, like in all the years after 1994.
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts. Deer Isle, ME.
"Art Camp." ArtSpace. Lima, OH.
Ohio Dark Opera. Wooster, OH.
Quilt/Surface Design Symposium. The Pontifical College Josephinum. Columbus, OH.
Crafts Council of Ireland. Dublin and Sligo, Ireland. Almost a month, with three classes, Feb and March, 1994, both of us. In conjunction with a group exhibition of US art quilts, touring the UK and Ireland.
Mansfield Art Center. Mansfield, OH.
Vermont College, Norwich University. Montpelier, VT.
Cleveland Institute of Art. Cleveland, OH. Three weeks in their Summer Program.
Artists in Residence program, Wayne County Schools. Wayne County, OH. About 6 residencies at grade schools.
Art Quilt Network North. Anchorage, AK.
Midwest Conference, Ohio Designer Craftsmen. Columbus, OH.
Vermont College, Norwich University. Montpelier, VT (Start of several years of being a professor in their low-residency MFA program.)
Art Quilt Network. Columbus, OH.
Quilt/Surface Design Symposium. The Pontifical College Jospehinum. Columbus, OH. First time to teach there.
Museum of American Folk Art. New York, NY.
Artist in Residence, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. Xi'an China. This was part of a month-long Artist In Residence program of the Ohio Arts Council.
Artist in Residence, University of Southern Illinois. Carbondale, IL. First time to teach art quilting, teaching graduate students of Professor Joan Lintault.
Creativity Workshops, University of Akron. Akron, OH.
Drawing classes, Wayne Center for the Arts. Wooster, OH.
Drawing I and II classes for undergraduates. Graduate Teaching Assistantship. School of Art. Kent State University. Kent, OH. This was a teaching assistantship, in which I was the professor for 3 classes per school year, during my MFA program, which I graduated from in 1986.
Life Drawing class (non-credit sessions, volunteer teaching.) The College of Wooster. Wooster, OH.
Turtle Moon Studios
Susan Shiecontact me
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Web site created by Susan Shie and Jan Cabral ©1997. All subsequent web site work ©Susan Shie 2017.This page last updated by Susan Shie, February 4, 2017.
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